So now that the Press Telegram has told you where I browse on the internet (complete with photos no less), I thought I would tell you the rest: my favorite color is red, rocky road is my fave ice cream, 70's music especially soft pop is the best, I once tried rock climbing, crossing the bar at the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon in a small boat to go salmon fishing was the most frightening experience of my life, the first time I held my three children was incredible....
Give me a break. It took two reporters to cover a story one lone blogger -- Bill Pearl -- broke several weeks ago! Where was the in depth analysis of the middle harbor project -- which by the way the council is powerless to stop? Actually where is the in depth analysis about any topic?
Ok. So I admit maybe we shouldn't have a laptop at council to distract us...even momentarily. Then take away everyone's Blackberry, including the Mayor's, and Mr. Learch's "trio." And stop staff from giving us folders of work while we are sitting there.
I personally put in an incredible amount of hours on council business and use my council time to read and answer email, write a blog on what we are doing, look up information on what is being discussed (why I even consult our city charter and municipal code), and yes, I strayed and looked elsewhere. I know how to multi-task -- every parent learns how to.