
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Travel Records and Council Budgets

While I was away on my first major vacation in many years, I learned that a public records request was made by the local media on travel expenses. No folks, I wasn't on official travel to Alaska.

Apparently over the course of 3 plus years I have spent slightly around $1300 for travel to various city conferences -- that works out to be around $400 a year in travel. Am not sure what budget it comes out of because I submit the bills and they are paid through the council liaison office.

I don't have a travel budget. So I would imagine it comes from the Legislative Department's budget which is a pool of money to pay for Council and Mayor travel.

I keep official travel to a minimum because I don't like to travel and I think we need to be frugal with tax dollars. I also don't take my council staff -- I can't imagine why anyone would.