
Thursday, April 21, 2011

POA and FFA Independent Expenditures in 2010 Campaign

I just learned what was spent by the LB Police Officer's Association (POA) and the Long Beach Firefighters Association (FFA) on independent expenditures during the last 2010 campaign for council, City Prosecutor, City Attorney and Mayor.

An independent expenditures means just that -- independent of the candidate's campaigns.

I knew the Firefighters had paid @ $1440 to have campaign signs printed for my campaign -- because they brought a stack of them after they had distributed them to their members.

I did not know however, (until I read the report today) that the POA spent @$1,200 to place my name on two slate mailers which go out to high propensity voters (voters most likely to vote in a city election).

So here are the links if you want to read the entire reports on what was given in 2010.
Firefighters Expenditures

POA Expenditures