
Friday, June 17, 2011

Fire Station Brownouts and Oil Revenue and Fire Insurance Rates

The City has received news...or let's say it became public.. but the price per barrel of oil has been much higher over the past year than was budgeted. City management budgeted oil revenue at $45a barrel. The average price oil has been in excess of $65 a barrel.

Now I know this won't last forever or then again it might, but don't you all think it is time that if the city has this revenue that we restore the cuts that were made to public safety?

For instance, Station 19 in the 5th district was on a brown out last Sunday. I know because I went over to the station and no one was there for the entire afternoon (or at least til 3 pm when I left the adjacent park).

We should be taking that revenue and staffing the fire department. We do not need to risk being classified as a Class III fire department because of inadequate staffing levels. Fire insurance rates are determined by the quality of local fire departments.

We also should be taking that revenue and scheduling a police academy for the fall so that we don't go further behind on staffing levels.

I will be sending out a survey asking if you agree that any additional revenue should be spent on restoring cuts to public safety services.