This has been a very busy week. Thursday 50 residents or so showed up at Newcomb Academy to learn about what the City of Hawaiian Gardens is planning on doing by connecting 226th Street to Pioneer Blvd.
Basically, HG wants to remove a portion of the cinder block fence and a mature tree that blocks the view of traffic on the Long Beach side. They also want to install a 3 way stop on the Long Beach side to keep traffic controlled out of Long Beach so cars don't crash into cars going east to west on 226th Street.
Sadly, no one from Hawaiian Gardens was in attendance , although they had promised to be there.
It was the consensus of the residents for Long Beach to officially oppose HG doing anything in Long Beach and to request they move their connection of 226th north of where planned to eliminate the danger of on-coming traffic from Long Beach.
One attendee asked if we could do a traffic count at the point of where Pioneer Blvd., leaves LB and becomes HG just to see whether or not the traffic comes from the north or the south.
Everyone agreed that the City of LB needs to fix up the LB side -- the sidewalk is broken and so is the fence. Also several residents asked if the city could extend up the wall behind their homes and make the fence look uniform.
I am looking into all of this and will keep you updated as we find out more.
Thanks to Mark Christoffels, our City Engineer for attending and answering questions.
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Dear Readers: Please note that this is not a City of Long Beach website and is not paid for nor maintained by taxpayer funds.
If you contact Gerrie Schipske through this site on any matter pertaining to the City of Long Beach, a copy of your contact will be forwarded to her official city email as an official public record.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Save Station 18
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