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Monday, July 6, 2009

Nyet on Using Gas Contract Money For Public Service Yard

In the spirit of Obama being in Russia, I thought I would say "no" in a different language.

I know that some are a twitter (and are twittering) that the cost of moving the City's Public Service Yard can be paid for out of an arrangement involving our natural gas contracts.

So again. "Nyet." "No."

For you see, the cost of moving the Public Service Yard is about $500,000 and stands in the way of closing the land swap deal in which the city gives the public service yard to the owner of the "wetlands properties" -- thus necessitating the City to move out of the Public Service Yard at a cost of $500,000.

Yes. I am most interested in saving the wetlands. But I am more interested in saving the City of Long Beach from financial ruin or cutting fire and police or other necessary services because we don't have the money.

Use the $500,000 to keep our fire stations open. Use the $500,000 to make certain we have enough police on the streets. Use the $500,000 to restore the Library's budget that has been so cut this year and next.

You have to ask yourself why in this economy and with all of the problems the city and state faces, we are focusing on spending money for anything that isn't our core service.

Save Station 18

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