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Friday, February 10, 2012

Invited to Discussion with Obama Official

Anne Ferro talks with student ASB treasurer at Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Charter High School.
I was invited today to participate in a discussion with an official from the Obama Administration about implementing the President's goals as outlined in his State of the Union. Anne Ferro, Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration came to the Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Charter High School to discuss the importance of encouraging students to enter into vocational training.

Students from the Rosie the Riveter Charter High School participated in the discussion, stressing how important their experiences have been at the charter school. Several women in the WINTER program spoke about how more programs for women need to be offered so that women have the opportunity to earn decent wages in the trades.

Ms. Ferro and I talked about the new program I am launching with the students of Rosie the Riveter Charter High School -- repainting the house numbers on the curbs of our neighborhoods. The program helps the students and also improves the visibility of house numbers for our public safety responders.

Anne Ferro spoke eloquently about the commitment of the President to get people back to work rebuilding the infrastructure of our country. I was glad I was able to give her a copy of my "Rosie the Riveter in Long Beach" book and encouraged her to take a trip to the Rosie the Riveter Park and Interpretive Center in east Long Beach.

The White House, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
and Women In Non Traditional Employment Roles

Invite you to a
State of the Union 
Roundtable discussion with

Anne S. Ferro
Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

• February 9, 2012 • 11:45 AM
• Rosie the Riveter Charter High School
690 N Studebaker Road
Long Beach, CA. 90803

Save Station 18

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