Despite not being able to fly on my favorate airline -- JetBlue -- I
made it to Dulles airport last night without a hitch.
I am not a fan of flying. I know. I know. I write about aviation history but I still wonder at how such a large machine can getup in the air, stay there and then land.
It is so cold back here. Wait. It was so cold back there. Now snow is predicted. And colder weather.
I love DC. Lived here two separate times -- once working for the CIA and once working for a public relations company and the US House of Representatives.
I know my way around so even though I am really under the weather with a cold or the flu or whatever, my partner Flo and I managed to get around today up to Capitol Hill for a visit with Congressman Alan Lowenthal and to pick up our tickets for the swearing in ceremony this coming Monday.
Congressman Lowenthal looks right at home in his office on the 5th Floor of the Cannon Building. That is the building that has the tunnel to the Capitol which is really handy in this cold.
All around us preparations are being made for Monday's events. Was surprised to see Capitol Police holding submachine guns. So sad that much of the access to the people's building has been cut off since 911.

Tomorrow I get to play tour guide and go to a couple of museums. Bus drivers and taxi drivers told us today that big crowds are expected starting tomorrow.
Taking lots of Vitamin C and fluids and actually getting rest.
I am not a fan of flying. I know. I know. I write about aviation history but I still wonder at how such a large machine can getup in the air, stay there and then land.
It is so cold back here. Wait. It was so cold back there. Now snow is predicted. And colder weather.
I love DC. Lived here two separate times -- once working for the CIA and once working for a public relations company and the US House of Representatives.
I know my way around so even though I am really under the weather with a cold or the flu or whatever, my partner Flo and I managed to get around today up to Capitol Hill for a visit with Congressman Alan Lowenthal and to pick up our tickets for the swearing in ceremony this coming Monday.
Congressman Lowenthal looks right at home in his office on the 5th Floor of the Cannon Building. That is the building that has the tunnel to the Capitol which is really handy in this cold.
All around us preparations are being made for Monday's events. Was surprised to see Capitol Police holding submachine guns. So sad that much of the access to the people's building has been cut off since 911.

Tomorrow I get to play tour guide and go to a couple of museums. Bus drivers and taxi drivers told us today that big crowds are expected starting tomorrow.
Taking lots of Vitamin C and fluids and actually getting rest.