
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Schipske Congratulates Mungo -- Promises Smooth Transition

Schipske Congratulates Stacy Mungo on Winning 5th District Seat – Says Looks Forward to
Smooth, Positive Transition

Long Beach, CA – June 4, 2014 – Two term 5th District Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske today issued the following statement after results confirmed Stacy Mungo winning the June 3rd run off
election for the 5th District:

“Congratulations to Stacy Mungo on her winning the election for the 5th district council seat. I believe that Stacy is committed to the high level of constituent service that the residents expect and deserve. My staff and I stand ready for a smooth, positive transition.

To prepare for the transition, my staff and I are organizing files, notebooks, equipment and supply inventories, infrastructure project maps and details of completed and planned projects, event planners and computer records of 44,000 constituents which document the work we have undertaken these past eight years. 

We are planning on meeting later this week and will be available for any questions Councilwoman-elect Mungo may have until she assumes office in mid-July. 

I am hopeful that Ms. Mungo will keep the 5th District staff that are in place as they are the reason residents feel so positive towards our office. ”
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