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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bright Spots This Week

The financial news on the city's budget was devastating.

But I did have several bright spots this week:
  • Worked with an Eagle Scout on his project to prepare his neighborhood to get ready for an earthquake
  • Joined my council colleagues in approving a permanent prohibition on second stories and demolition of homes in the Ranchos PD-11. The residents worked very hard on this proposal and are to be commended.
  • Met the 8 young people who are working with my staff on sprucing up our 5th District parks -- painting, cleaning, landscaping. They started today painting in Pan Am park. It's going to be a great experience for them improving parks; they can come back and show their friends how they made things better in their community.
  • Getting some great e-mails from constituents who are very pleased with the level of service my office is providing.
  • Walking door to door on several streets and learning how many people actually get updates from me and know what is going on in the city.

Save Station 18

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