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Friday, July 16, 2010

We don't need no stinkin meetings...we can phone it in.

Hot off the press: Councilman Gary DeLong is off on vacation and will not be at Council this coming Tuesday as the Mayor and several councilmembers are sworn in to office. Mr. DeLong arranged to get sworn in before he flew out of the country.

And to prove just how wonderful technology is and to assure that his choice for Vice Mayor of the City Council (Councilwoman Suja Lowenthal) wins -- Councilman DeLong has graciously arranged to call in his vote from the Bahamas.

All perfectly legal.

Just a note to any of you who would like to exercise your rights to have government meetings open -- you might want to fly down to the Bahamas and find Mr. DeLong. Join him for drinks as he phones his friends back at City Hall.

So now we understand why he only wants to hold council meetings twice a month. Why meet when you can phone it in? All Long Beach residents who have jobs that allow them to do the same raise your hands!

Save Station 18

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