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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Street Being Spruced Up With Federal Stimulus Funds

I have been receiving emails from residents who: a) are concerned about where the city got the money or b) think that the repair along Spring Street from the westside of Long Beach to Orange County is unnecessary or c) think that the street needed to be fixed but not the curbs and gutters and storm drains.

So to clarify:
  • Spring Street needs a structural repair -- the street, the curbs, the gutters and the storm drains. Water pools in several part after rains.
  • The repairs are being totally funded out of federal stimulus funds.
  • Spring Street is a major street in Long Beach -- going from the westside to Orange County. It is heavily traveled.
  • Long Beach had the project on the drawing board for many years so it was ready or as they say "shovel ready."
Other issues:
  • Yes, there are other streets in Long Beach that need repair too and we are applying for funds for all of them.
  • No, the federal stimulus funds weren't available for residential streets -- only streets that are non-residential and have higher useage.

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