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Monday, January 24, 2011

Residents Don't Favor Ban on Plastic Bags

I wasn't polling when I sent out emails to residents inviting them to attend a Town Hall I am hosting on Sat Jan 29th at 10 am at the LB Water Treatment Plant (Spring and Redondo), but lordy, lordy have I received a full email inbox from residents (with a few exceptions) who are very angry that the City would be proposing a ban on plastic bags at grocery stores and that the City would allow the stores to charge 10 cents for a paper bag.

In essence, most are saying promote a recycling plan and don't force something on people unless the entire state is doing it. Otherwise they will go elsewhere to shop.

For my district -- the 5th -- this is a significant response. We are fortunate to have the most grocery stores in a council district than in other districts so this will really impact this area more than other parts of the city. We are about to lose Boeing. We don't need to lose a grocery store or two because people shop in Lakewood or Cerritos or they go to a Target or Walmart that sells groceries but aren't grocery stores.

The Town Hall will be very interesting this Saturday. I ask that everyone who attends be civil and courteous to both sides of the issue. We can disagree civily.


Save Station 18

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