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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sidewalks and Verizon

The story begins three years ago when Verizon tore up hundreds of sidewalks in El Dorado Park Estates so it could install its fios systems underground.

All went well with most of the sidewalks but many didn't set well.

I have been out walking that area for the past couple of months and have inventoried many, many sidewalks with Verizon tags that are trip hazards. Anything raised over 1/4 inches is considered a hazard. So after several emails and meetings and on site inspections -- including today at 10 am -- Verizon and the City are working out how to get the sidewalks fixed.

This coming Monday morning, the City and Verizon will start removing sidewalk panels to figure out what caused the problem...and I will keep walking and making my inventory of sidewalks and streets that need to be fixed.

Save Station 18

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