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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Walking and talking

Was precinct walking today. Now that the rain has stopped for a while I am back out there walking and talking to residents.

It's funny. I have been doing this for so long that I can now assess in 5 seconds if someone is home. There are also sounds and smells that tell you what's going on at the house. Drying clothes has a distinct sound and smell and usually means someone is home. Newly watered garden tells you the homeowner is probably there or in the back yard. Barking dogs are a bit of a scare...especially those that charge a window.

While I am walking I am also doing an inventory on sidewalks, trees and streets.

Was finishing up my 5th street of the day when I got the call from my daughter that she might be having her baby today. Turns out it might be tomorrow or this weekend.

Save Station 18

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