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Friday, July 9, 2010

Retrofitting Suburbia

Every time I have attended a conference on municipal issues, I learn lots. I am in Rancho Bernardo at the Independent Cities Conference and today heard a very informative report on how some communities are moving to Smart Code. Basically, Smart Code is

an integrated land development ordinance. It folds zoning, subdivision regulations, urban design, public works standards and basic architectural controls into one compact document. It is also a unified ordinance, spanning scales from the region to the community to the building.
This is exactly what Long Beach needs. We need a sense of what we want Long Beach to look like instead of allowing continual development that has resulted in Long Beach looking like a patchwork. Development in Long Beach is a crapshoot for both the residents and the developer. Residents don't really know what a development is going to look like or if it will fit into an area. Developers don't know exactly what city planners are going to allow them to do and not do. Smart Code takes all that away because both parties know exactly what is desired in a development.

Additionally, Smart Code takes into account the need to address climate change and public health issues such as the growing obesity rate among young people who do not walk their neighborhoods.

Here is a link you might want to check out on this growing concept:

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