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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Please come and help me honor the women and men who gave their lives in service to our country

Reader --

I write this having just visited Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. I hope you agree with me that Long Beach should honor the women and men who gave their lives in service to our country during this holiday season.

On December 11, 2010 thousands of Christmas wreaths will be placed on the graves of the women and men who gave their lives in service of our country at Arlington and at 450 other locations across the U.S. The wreath laying ceremony is a project of Wreaths Across America.

I am proud to tell you that for the very first time in Long Beach, we will be participating in those ceremonies by laying Christmas wreaths in honor of those women and men who gave their lives in service to our country at the Rosie the Riveter Park and Interpretive Center military memorial.

Do you have a family member or friend you want to have remembered during the ceremonies on December 11? I ask that you click here to let me know if you have someone you wish remembered during the ceremony. Also please let me know if you will attend the ceremonies.

Do me a favor. Please forward this blog posting to a friend who might want to know about this event.

The ceremonies will include a dedication of the wonderful enhancements to the Rosie the Riveter Park such as our walking path with etched history, compass rose and historical signs. Thanks to the Long Beach Naval Heritage Association, Supervisor Don Knabe, Wal-Mart and many others, Rosie the Riveter Park is the first of its kind in Long Beach and only the second of its kind in the United States.

I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you at the ceremonies this coming Saturday, December 11 at 10 am.


Save Station 18

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