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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Getting Smashed About Marijuana

I love it when a publication that takes thousands of dollars in ad revenue from marijuana dispensaries runs an article "Gerrie Schipske Says Let them get it somewhere else" -- and then proceeds to post 23 comments that state what an awful person I am and how I should be voted out of office.

Yep. That's what I like. Objective journalism.

So The District Weekly is upset I am having a townhall on the issue of regulating marijuana collectives on Nov. 12 at 6:30 pm at the El Dorado Community Center at 2800 Studebaker and feels it is my way to stir things up to get these places shut down.

Too bad. My constituents want more information and many have expressed concern about having these facilities in their neighborhoods. So I am having a townhall meeting with the City Prosecutor and the Police -- the two entities that will have to enforce any law we put in place.

And while the "reporter" who did the story would like to portray me as the Marie Antoinette of pot -- the question was posed to me about what would happen if the dispensaries were regulated out of existence in Long Beach. My answer: they would have to get it somewhere else.

Save Station 18

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