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Monday, August 15, 2011

Spirit of 45 Event a Hit! You should have seen me dance...

 What a great event! Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive was held at the El Dorado Community Center on Sunday, August 14. More than 125 attended the event and danced to the swing music of the Johnny Klecker Band.

A special appearance by President Franklin Roosevelt added to the theme and attendees sat attentively listening to his talk about being president and how we entered World War II
 Boeing provided some historical photographs of the women working at Douglas Aircraft.

Vitas Hospice provided refreshments and decorations. My staff and volunteers from The Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Foundation helped staff the event. The Parks, Recreation and Marina Department also provided staffing.

 The Long Beach celebration of the Spirit of '45 also included the placing of a memorial wreath at the memorial in Rosie the Riveter Park and Interpretive Center.

The event is celebrated nationally. I am happy that Long Beach was able to participate.

Save Station 18

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