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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Budget War on Libraries Is So Wrong -- Especially in the 5th District

The City Council asked for a report on usage of library branches over the past several years.

We did so because of the proposal to make three branch libraries -- "reading rooms" and cut their services.

First of all, no one in libraries any where in the US has branches that are "reading rooms" only -- ah Long Beach leads the way.

Anyway, the report came back and just as I suspected it shows that Bach is one of the busiest branches in the City -- yet one of the three slated for serious cuts.

Click here and look at attachment A under total circulation -- which means number of books, tapes, cds, etc. checked out. If you look at Bach you will see 106,544 while the other two branches slated for reductions: Brewitt and Alamitos have 1/2 half the circulation...

There is absolutely no logic to go after a library branch that is one of the busiest in the City...

Click here for emails and phone numbers of the Mayor, City Manager and City Council. Call and email and tell them "NO" -- leave Bach Library alone!!

Save Station 18

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