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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just the port blocking tidal flow?

Thought it needed to be asked yesterday in the presentation on the breakwater study: we had a breakwater in the 1950, 1960, and 1970's and waves. What we didn't have were two ports (Los Angeles and Long Beach) sticking out in the ocean (because they had to be built on landfill).

So the obvious question is -- are the ports the cause of lack of tidal flow? And if they are, shouldn't they help pay for the impact on making our beaches so miserable because of the trash that won't flow away and the stagnation caused because water is trapped inside the breakwater?

The consultant did admit that could be a possibility but it wasn't part of the study.

Well, it needs to be! We are concerned about the impact upon air quality caused by the ports and we should be concerned about the impact upon water quality as well.

P.S. I also pointed out that it was Councilman Dan Baker who first tried to get a study of what to do about the breakwater but it was shot down 8-1 after Mayor O'Neil said that due to national security concerns the breakwater cannot be taken down. I asked in yesterday's meeting if national security was still an issue and no one answered.

The key to all of this is getting our Congressional electeds on board to help find a way to clean up the water and restore our beaches.

Save Station 18

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