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Saturday, June 26, 2010

How Often Should City Council Meet?

Heard it through the grapevine...that wonderful conduit of ideas circulating atop City Hall. Someone thinks it is a good idea that after the new council comes in that we start only meeting two times a month, instead of the three times a month we now meet.

Can't figure out the logic in that idea. We are the 6th largest city in California and have tremendous issues facing the city. Reducing the number of times we meet would obviously lessen the Council's authority because more and more decisions would be driven by staff that works full time. We actually need a full time city council.

Don't know what is behind the idea. Although there are some in California that would like to do away with government or limit it so much that it is ineffective -- which then leaves contracts and decisions to the impact of lobbyists. Bet someone will float an argument that it would save the city money. Don't think so. Every staff person there at council is on salary and does not get paid overtime.

Oh, this is an interesting idea just days after Maywood announced it would close all departments and contract out their city to Bell Gardens.

Save Station 18

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