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Monday, November 15, 2010

978 Responses -- 471 from 5th District

978 people have responded to the survey on placement of medical marijuana collectives. Of these, 471 have indicated they are residents of the 5th District.

By no means a scientific poll -- because people self select themselves to respond instead of it being done randomly -- never the less, these are the people most interested in the topic on either side.

The results are running consistently since the start of the survey -- 5th District residents want the collectives out of a buffer zone from parks, libraries, schools and day care centers. They don't necessarily believe they should have to grow in industrial areas and they aren't in favor of a ballot measure to prohibit them as does Lakewood and Signal Hill.

I will close out the survey this evening and make the results available to anyone.

P.S. For those who criticize the survey as not including information on the various medical conditions "needing" medical marijuana -- that's not what it was about. It was to get a read on how residents feel about where the collectives should be located. -- not a debate on the merits of medical marijuana. At least someone bothered to ask your opinion.

Save Station 18

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