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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

El Dorado Dog Park Getting Nearer

For many, many months I have been working with residents -- specifically the dedicated folks of the Friends of the El dorado park dog park -- to find a suitable location for a dog park over here in the eastside.

I personally walked and mapped out several areas of available land. My goal was not to use dedicated park area for a dog park but to find land -- large enough for small and large dogs -- that would not take up regional park.

I found it several months ago and set about trying to convince city staff that the property should be used for this purpose. I also suggested that the members of the Friends of the El Dorado Dog Park pay a visit to the site and then talk with the staff at the Animal Care Services shelter which is adjacent to the property. And they did...and they love it.

So here's where the proposed dog park will be if approved by the Parks, Recreation and Marine Commission
-- click this map link to see the parcel which is now used as storage for the maintenance crew of the park. They actually have three parcels (I found them on satellite several months ago) and can consolidate into two leaving this parcel for a dog park.

Of course we will continue having community meetings at which the public can come and let us know if we are on the right track. The plan is for the city to provide the land and the non profit Friends of El Dorado Dog Park to raise funds for its construction and maintenance. Who knows, with Pet Smart just a stone's throw away in the Town Center, maybe they will respond to my request that they become a key sponsor for this dog park!!

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