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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reel Recycling Signs Up

Fishing Line Recycling
Fishing Line Recycling (Photo credit: ecotist)
As you might recall, we launched the "reel recycling" program last year which places recycling tubes near fishing spots at our lakes and piers so that fishing line and tackle can be recycled. The line and tackle are removed from the recycling tubes and sent to Berkley Fishing which recycles the materials into fishing boxes.

More importantly, the debris does wind up in the water or wrapped around a bird.

This week, we have added signs that remind anglers to place their excess line and tackle into the tubes. (Tubes? Yes. This prevents children and critters from getting into the recycled material.)

I want to thank my task force on Lakes, Ponds and Wetlands for its work on this effort and for the great staff in Parks, Recreation and Marine for putting the tubes and signs in all the best spots.
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